What's Next?

Hey there a sports fans, Al here with the latest:

Well, the show is done, it's been pulled, and everything's been taken down. I've had my emotional feedback on it from others. And now I've had that feeling like you have to know lost something important. The show defined who I was, but at the same time, I gained an appreciation for the people who helped me put the art show up. 

SO with all lamenting out of the way now, the question is what's next?

I've had to think about this one for a while, really think about it because I've always been on the fence when it comes to the artwork.

I've had a choice between two different projects, both scratchboard. One is dealing in finishing Richard Parker, which means I have to take all the pieces out of the frames that are I've been up in shows and rescan them at a high dpi. The other is to finish off the Pasquinade Project art show of the large 18 x 24 pieces of scratchboard, so the choice is, do I flip a coin? Or, do I go back to Parker and finish that one off for good.



As of this date, 10/24/21 videos have been finished, edited, posted to both TikTok and YouTube for "BLAST OFF!".  I think it's going to be a good piece, and I think the larger version is even gonna be better than the 8" x 8" (which was a test run more than anything else).

I have yet to actually get a hold of Ace Troy (curator at the Slingshot Lounge) as far as having an art show over at the Slingshot, but it sounds like, from what I've heard from the owner of the place, a guy I've known for many years, Eric Mims, that the shows have been filled up and at least through December. So that's fine, the end of '21. No problem, I can have another show ready to go by the end of 2021, but I'm not going to have anything prepared to go before then. Besides that, Dan DePaolo has offered to go ahead and try to do a scan at least on one of the big pieces. Still, we have yet to do a test run on that, so I'm hoping to maybe get a hold of him here in the next week or so and see if we can work something out on that, at least see what the original looks like like possibly splicing it together. If that doesn't work, then I'm going to follow up with Beth's suggestion would be. As far as following up with, I want to say Guapo, but I know that's not right it's not Guardino which is a gallery. There's another big company that she has worked with over in Northwest. Gango Editions (as I researched my texts with Beth) is the name of the place. So hopefully, I'll be able to figure out that the name will come back to me.

The weather certainly is getting a little stormy as I'm headed back to the house. Have more videos coming out. 

Check out this link:


then this link:

https://youtu.be/1OLBwx50PhM for the follow-up of the sold piece.

And I am outta of here.