Blog for 7-14-2020

Hey, there sports fans Al here with the latest: In the last few years, I kinda stepped away from doing blogs because as I have said so many times that real life gets in the way of creativity. Well, these days as if that weren’t the case the world is caught in the grips of a virus that people understand little of and heed even less. Rioting and police brutality ringing in the news every day seems now to be the norm. I for one feel that I can create something entertaining and most of all - fun. The artwork has always been an immediate reaction kind of alchemy. Science Fiction I love and it rings of a future that hasn’t been realized yet. Of course, some of the things that I render do from time to time dip into the dark parts of imagination. Richard Parker and his watery adventure are like that. But after working for years on one project and finishing off an illustrative project like Last Monster on EARTH! Sometimes something different needs to be unleashed. And in a way that comes in the form of Corpse Cop #4 Death Walks the Stars”. It ties up loose ends with other comic book characters that I had worked on for the last 2 Decades with a bookend book that brings most of them altogether. I’ve been compiling several thumbnail storyboards for a finish to Corpse Cop. There are other art projects that I have lined up that still need to be plotted out but the first thing is first to finish Richard Parker and Last Monster on EARTH! But a storyteller sometimes needs a little break from what he is working just to be fresh when he comes back. And with that, I am outta here.
