
I making prints now; I've always known about this. My ex-girlfriend Beth and I had talked about this for years, and she had been working on that process for a long time. How to sell other works in tandem with a passive revenue stream from T-shirts, posters, and prints based upon original pieces of work.

Sady Starkiss Sticker “Blast Off!” on external memory drive.

My friend, the tattooist, had given me some information about a printer down in downtown Portland that I might want to get a hold of for making prints looking into that so I can see if I can make cheaper prints than where I'm going out right now. I need to get the cost of those prints down so I can make more of the artwork. Suppose I get more of my prints made out over social media. In that case, I can start swinging other ways from having to actually work out a 9-to-5 job and actually start making money off of passive income rather than active income. That was the most significant point that was a revelation to me. I've been fighting it and fighting it and fighting it for a long while now. I realize I could actually make more money off of making prints off of my work and making original pieces all the time, and then I can spend more time making original pieces there for making prints and then go from there.

The biggest thing that my friend also pointed out to me at the show was that they were the other artists I didn't see there at the opening. I was the only one there.

In the process, my artwork also stood out from the others on the wall, knowing this was his description, not mine. But massive black-and-white pieces have a tendency to stand out amongst most of the color stuff, so they definitely stood out.

At the same time, a lot of extra work was done on each one of these pieces, whether it be an 8 x 8, a 12 x 16, or an 18 x 24.

Baby Blue Escape. 8”x8” Scratchboard.

People can see the effort that's done in these individual pieces of work. That's the reason why my stuff has a tendency to grab people's attention. My friend had also mentioned to me that if you're doing the work just to crank stuff out, that's one thing. Still, if you're doing it because you're driven to it, which I know I am, I love working on the artwork; it makes me feel creative and whole and gets a lot of ideas out of my head on the paper or on the board in this case.

A whole mess of 8”x8” pieces being prepped for work.

Remember, I have often talked about in previous posts how some artists are stuck in the creative mode and are not trying so much to work on figuring out how to sell themselves. That's where I've been. I need to branch out if I'm ever going to make it as a successful artist. I need to branch out and start focusing on how to not only crank stuff out, putting great ideas out there but allowing pieces to breathe, and that means making prints, T-shirts, posters, and stickers.

Blue The Bulldog Sticker.

Talks, show and revelations

The biggest thing that my friend also pointed out to me at the show was that they were the other artist I didn’t see there at the opening I was the only one there

In the process also was how the artwork stood out from the others on the wall know this was his description not mine. But black and white, especially big, black and white pieces have a tendency to stand out amongst most of the color stuff so they definitely stood out.

12”x16” “Love Machine” now owed by a new collector. Goodfoot Lounge Art Opening Feb 29th, 2024.

At the same time also, there’s a lot of extra work that were done on each one of these pieces whether it be an 8 x 8, a 12 x 16, or an 18 x 24.

People can see the effort that’s done in these individual pieces of work. That’s the reason why my stuff has a tendency to grab people’s attention. My friend had also mentioned to me that if you’re doing the work just to crank stuff out, that’s one thing, but if you’re doing it because you’re driven to it, which I know I am, I love working on artwork, it makes me feel creative and whole and gets a lot of ideas out of my head on the paper or on the board in this case. 

So many more pieces left to mount on wood and varnish. Sorry about the mess. Y’know artists.

Remember have often talked about in previous posts, how are some artists are stuck in the creative mode and not so much and trying to work on figuring out how to sell them selves. That’s where I’ve been. I need to branch out if I’m ever going to make it as an a successful artist I need to branch out and start focusing on how to not only crank stuff out putting great ideas out there but allowing pieces to breathe, and that means by making prints, T-shirts, posters, and stickers. StickerMule

I think that the show was exactly what I needed to have happen to kick me in the ass and start moving again instead of sitting in my little hole coming out from time to time and get some notice.

A New Art Show 2024

As it turns out, a new art show begins next week. I am super excited about showing work again after this last year's show at the Slingshot. Of course, the other place I still need to show up is over at Unlimited IPA.

Charlie, the curator there, and I still have to cross paths, but eventually, I know that will happen. I blame the weather for the lack of getting over there.

It's been a while since I've had a posting of any artwork or otherwise. But seeing that next week, there will be another art show. This time, it will be taking place over at the Goodfoot Lounge. and I will be sharing it with three other artists as well.

The Goodfoot Ad for next week’s art show.

It has been years since the last time I showed any pieces there. This is from around 2008-2010 I believe.

Most of the pieces have been accounted for, priced, and boxed. Here is the listing of the pieces to be shown:

Original Scratchboard pieces:

2 of ten 8”x8” from the Bigfoot Show Last year.

6 of the ten 8’x8’ pieces of artwork from the Bigfoot Art show.


"Splash" $80.00    

"Swoop" $80.00

"EVA" $80.00

"Future Expansion" $80.00

"Future Frontier" $80.00

"Portal" $80.00

"Oh Yeah!" $80.00

"Apocalypto Rising" $80.00

"The Kiss" $80.00

"Bacon or Death" $80.00


"In Clutching Claws" $250.00

"Corpse Cop Rising" 250.00


"Sady Starkiss Lounging" $400.00

"Warrior Women" $400.00

"Love Machine" $400.00

"Seven Ravens" $300.00


13”x13” From Halloween Art Show.

"Radioactive Hornets" $300.00


"Juicebox." $1200.00

"Target Earth." $1200.00

"Duality of the Singularity." $1200.00

"Bacon and Eggs." $1000.00

"The Martian that fell to Earth." $1000.00

"The Unknown Co-monk." $1000.00

"Blast Off!" $1500.00

"Beasts of the Beach." $1200.00

"A Pitcher is Worth a 1000 Words." $1000.00

"The Wode Less Traveled." $1200.00

These are a collection over the last couple of years, from the Bigfoot Art Show down in Molla, OR, to the Half and Half Art show I had last year at the Slingshot Lounge. There are a couple of other show pieces that have never been shown except once over the years, from the Brothers Grimm art show and a Halloween Art show. Both are good pieces, but I haven’t seen the light of day (in a gallery show, anyway).
It's only a matter of being able to get it to the gallery/bar that is putting on the show and handing it off to the curator, Jason Brown.

The funny thing was that since Valentine’s Day and posting an image of “Love Machine,” I already have a bid on a piece of work.

Hopefully, people will be able to make it. Here's to keeping my fingers crossed. Come and check it out.

What's been going on?

Hey there, sports fans, Al here with the latest:

Well, I have tried posting something new in the last month, but nothing happened to stick to landing. That is until I decided to take a staycation to work on artwork that had been sorely overlooked and neglected due to moving and other living things.

Image of the Pasquinade Project - “A Pitcher is Worth a 1000 Words” in progress. 18”x24”.

“The Wode Less Traveled” 18”x 24” Scratchboard. The transfer sheet is completed and soon to be scratched out.

So eight out of ten pieces of the Pasquinade Project were finally varnished, and the last two are being completed.

And on top of that, also working on a new poster for Sady Starkiss and Heavy Metal art show.

I still need to come up with a good name for that show. I might christen it "Back, Villain! Show."

I realize that a better-drying group of boxes is needed for off-gassing than cardboard. One day, I can hope to either find a flat file system that I use for the 12" x16" pieces that can accommodate 18" x24" work without breaking the bank.

An image from outside of my apartment of the off-gassing boxes. Need better storage than these.

But I still need to get to that point. But I am always keeping my fingers crossed.

Also, I realized during my staycation (and as delightful as it was not being bothered) I found myself falling into the intoxicating realm of the pure creative process.

During a break after work and heading to a friend's art show on film noir (which was very cool, by the way). My friend Leslie had asked me if I was completed with Richard Parker.

I had said I was done with the work, and it was formatted, but finding a publisher and an editor is very hard.

It reminded me of immensely talented artists I have known over the years, and they just seemed like they couldn't take that last step.

I had fallen into that same trap. It's almost a narcotic, in a way, addicted to creation. Years ago, I had a conversation that touched upon this very topic. And it was hard to stop then as it is now.

Only then was there a difference in the need to create artwork and produce as much as possible? Only back then was a need to express ideas, this time as finished pieces.

I feel that I haven't had the luck of having a show or even being asked to do a show this year seems - odd.

Whatever the reason I am not privy to, I will complete this work and be ready to go.

On the Horzion

Hey there, sports fans, Al here with the latest;

Well, I wanted to keep you all in the loop. I've already shared some of this with you in the previous blog, but I wanted to bring up the latest piece with you regarding the poster design for the Pasquinade Project. Regarding how pieces of artwork are moving forward, I've had two individual pieces and two commission pieces coming together fairly quickly. 

Yesterday, as a side note, I was showing a piece of artwork for the poster I was working on for the Pasquinade and showed it to my friend Jacob. He had told me, "Hey man, I'll pay you for that poster." I wasn't going to sell him a poster. I'm not worried about that. 

So we agreed on a trade. "I'll do you a trade when it comes time for me to take the big pieces for the Pasquinade show to be photographed and copied for prints. You can help me take them over, and you get the poster for free."

This way, he helps me out with my show. I get the artwork photographed and moved from one place to another, and he gets a free poster from the deal.

So it works out best for both of us. I'm excited about that, so now I have someone who can help me out, and I'll also help someone who enjoys my work.

On the topic of the show, nothing sells my artwork better than freaking robots (maybe with the exception of a brain in a jar)!

Using Heavy Metal as a character and part of the poster builds up his side of the Sady Starkiss/ Heavy Metal connection.

So there you go, little text, but the art is rockin'!

An I am outta here.

Last Sailor Last Betrayer Day 1.jpg

Blog Post for 7-18-20

Hey there sports fans, Al here with the latest:

Last Monster on EARTH! Enters its editing phase while coloring is being added. The grand task is being handled by Paula Akin.
Bit of background on Paula. She and I met about 6 years ago while being brought together on a small now-defunct film production for Velvet Coffin. I was brought on to help initially with storyboards for the film crew. Paula was a story editor and proofreader.
We began striking up a number of conversations after most of the readings that eventually lead to me asking her to edit one of my Comic book projects - Corpse Cop #2Arctic Wolf and #3 Inhuman Torch.
She doesn’t know it yet but there is another Corpse Cop #4 Death Walks the Stars that is being written and drawn up right now.
So with two books and a third literally a monster volume to edit she may be done with me!
I hope not!

Now, this makes a huge turning point in the development of The Watery Adventure of Richard Parker. Namely finishing the story.
Truth be told that the beginnings of Richard Parker were a little like a shakedown cruise. Seriously, The story both written and spoken to others told me volumes that I needed to rewrite and rewrite the story and origin of Parker. Like any character when first envisioned always go through a change or changes to suit the character and eventually the story and plot. Verisimilitude as a couple you tubers I listen to use to describe TV series in their reviews.
Once I figured out the story and separating the “real” from the “imagined” it became clear and that I was going to have really focus on this wordless graphic novel.
But then came along Comic story called Last Monster on EARTH! And that put everything that Parker was on freakin’ hold. Damn bad sci-fi for having a hold on me!
But that project is completed for all intense purposes. And Parker has been trusted into the limelight again. It was always my intention to get back to this work because there also over the year that I have been inking and lettering LMoE for editing I had been approached by several other people that “Hey, what happened to that deep-sea diver character you were working on? I really liked that.”

Well, that has been re-ignited.

After looking through some of the packed up material during my furloughed status I realized that I didn’t have all of Richard Parker in one place.

Exhaustively, I found an old digital file on one of my old hard drives and downloaded it.

I was very excited about this discovery because the list could help me figure out how many more pieces I still had left to render. But after looking over the list it was a preliminary list of what I had already produced and not yet modified to reflect what I still left to do. Damn.

So I will have to rebuild the list but that is par for this course for me.

But there is one thing that I do know about my personality that with an unfinished project there is always that nagging feeling that will not go away until it is completed. So I am tracking all the pieces that I need to get this project completed.

And on that note, I am outta here.

Got some more investigative work ahead of me.

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